Rialto, CA, USA
Hi all,
I'm Mercedes Diaz, a full-time work-from-home copywriter. It was a long road to get here. There was, of course, an obligatory introduction to the workforce through the food industry. The food industry was good to me, and I met many people who are, even 10 years later, still impacting my life. It was during this time that I completed my bachelor's degree in business for organizational leadership.
Then I made my way into a Legal-Compliance department with a small collections agency. While attempting to find my place in the corporate world I started freelance copywriting on the side.
It was no shock that the agency I worked for went under, it's fairly common in the collections industry, but all the same, I had my hopes that we'd survive. Hopes set aside, I was left jobless. Except, I wasn't. It is one of those cheesy empowering-movie moments where I went out, bought a better laptop, and dove headlong into copywriting.
Now, I enjoy copywriting more than ever. I get to work with a variety of clients, and each day holds something new. As a genuinely curious person, I love researching and learning about the twists and turns of SEO and marketing. I also get to flex all my writing muscles daily as I copywrite by day and work on the dream of completing a personal writing project by night.
Thank you for your time, because you really didn't have to read through a bio. But if you've gotten this far then reach out and let's talk about your project and what you hope to accomplish in hiring a copywriter.
-Mercedes Diaz